
The community, business and tourism leaders in Cairns agree that there are opportunities for greater branding, recognition and development of North Queensland tourism, to encourage investment in the region and to promote and develop existing businesses in relation to growth and economic development.
In relation to tourism as one of the key drivers of the local economy, Chad firmly believes that strategic policy and vision in this context, needs to focus on the opportunities that exist between Cairns and Asia, to promote the relationships that will encourage working agreements in the areas of tourism, education, trade, immigration and business.
Chad supports policy in relation to tourism that increases the numbers of visitors to Cairns, attracts specific funding to develop existing accommodation and tour facilities and increases the global brand awareness in a destination image context for our region.
In this context, Chad supports funding and policy in relation to aviation as a priority, to increase expenditure from both international and domestic visitors in Cairns. Chad will continue to support policy therefore that promotes growth in visitation from Asia and Europe, with a specific focus on the Chinese market in this context.
Chad has travelled extensively throughout Asia and Europe his entire life, has taught English internationally, and developed many relationships with individuals throughout Asia.
Chad believes that tourism policy for Cairns needs to acknowledge and support the diverse nature of tourism in context and should also be supported by education in Cairns that specifically focuses on higher education in relation to the aviation industry, as well as language, marketing and business related studies.
In relation to the future of tourism in Cairns, from a policy perspective, Chad will continue to maintain and develop his strategic view that aims to explore how the broader community of Cairns can work to create opportunities with international partners that support an increase in visitors to Far North Queensland in a tourism capacity but also in support of education participation for international visitors in Cairns and to develop business relationships and opportunities for trade.